The Gathering at Chaffee's Music Festival in Girard, Pennsylvania

The Gathering at Chaffee's is a 2 day, 2 night good vibe; good time music festival located in Girard, PA.

Music Festivals Pennsylvania

The Gathering at Chaffee's - Erie Reader

Late July air is always thick with the lake's exhalations. Beneath a sheet of heat and a blanket of humidity, mirages ripple off Erie's hot pavement - adding a glossy clear coat to where these roads may lead - and a perspiratory sheen glazes over every face in this city.

Gathering at Chaffee's keeps music lovers grooving

The 37th annual Gathering at Chaffee's serves up two days of great music. Erie area music lovers are in high spirits this weekend. The 37th annual Gathering at Chaffee's music festival is underway in Girard. The festival kicked-off at 2 p.m.

The 36th Annual Gathering at Chaffee's: July 22-23 - Girard, PA | Love Live Music | Buffalo FM

Beginning in 1980 as a July 4th celebration with family and friends, The Gathering at Chaffee's has morphed into a 2-day festival that brings together great music and people, creating a welcoming environment that has continually drawn more in attendance while maintaining an intimate feel.

The Commercialization of Music Festivals and the Rise of Super Concerts

Music festivals are in a constant state of evolution. Community driven gatherings focusing on music and the arts developed into music festivals over the last century in North America and Europe, and especially in the past 20 years as music festivals have seen a resurgence and presence in the music industry.

Gathering at Chaffee's a Family Affair - Erie Reader

Friday, July 21 Finding yourself afoot at some summer music gatherings, you may feel like a guest (and that can be cool). At others, you may even feel like a stranger (and that can be cool, too).

Gathering at Chaffee's July 24-25, 2015 Review | The Jamwich

Another Year of Magic at the 35th Annual Gathering at Chaffee's Written by Laura Beth Miller The Gathering at Chaffee's is Erie County, Pa.'s best party of the year. Hosted by Doug & Kristen Chaffee and their children Emma, Chase, and Maddie, it's a back yard picnic gone epic.

Dr. Rock: Regional, local bands jam out at Chaffee's

Just as "Star Trek" has hung around the pop culture universe by recasting itself, the Gathering at Chaffee's Music Festival has lived long and prospered by continually refreshing its lineup. "You want to bring back some favorites that people really want to see, but at the same time, you want to bring in something new," said Ryan Bartosek, who books the fest's main acts.

The Gathering at Chaffee's Brings a Multitude of Music to Girard - Erie Reader

Friday, July 22 Reminiscing about good times at the Gathering at Chaffee's, I recalled a conversation with an old friend who was dancing away in a truly into-it, beyond-thinking groove. "I'm losing myself in my space," he kept repeating. "The music - I keep losing myself in it, losing myself in my space."

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